Today marks 4 months married to Zack. As a newlywed, I sometimes feel naive about the true trials of love. My life has taught me how to love when a person's actions are breaking your heart. God has taught me how to always be in a state of forgiveness. For me, love and forgiveness seem to go hand in hand. We see it in the Bible, God loved us so much that he sent his only son to die on a cross to forgive us of our sins. Romans 5:8 says it like this, "but God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." We didn't deserve it- we don't do anything to earn it. "for it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God." Ephesians 2:8
My marriage teaches me things about love and forgiveness every day. Some mornings I'd like to be selfish and sleep in when Zack is getting ready for work. However, the few minutes we have over a hastily prepared breakfast makes that extra hour of sleep worthless. Whether the evenings are spent watching a movie, enjoying a game of scrabble, or each reading a book, there is nothing better than simply being together. Lazy man recliners are not made for time with a spouse. Get a couch and cuddle. Forgiving a spouse isn't ever a first reaction. Its easiest to react in anger, disappointment, or sadness. However, the freedom found in forgiveness, the freedom found after choosing to let a transgression go, is great. I'm very thankful that Zack and I haven't had too much to forgive each other for yet in our marriage. However I do believe that God will always provide us with the strength and ability to forgive each other and all others in our lives as long as we ask and rely on Him alone.
I may be naive when it comes to love, but I know what God promises. I am excited about remaining in a state of playful and blissful romance with Zack. Yes, temptation will come. Yes, trials will come. However, my hope is in the Lord. I will pray for my husband and know that he does the same for me. I will pray for the marriages of those I love. Love isn't easy- I know that. However, I believe that you can make it easier if you both serve one another. Make time for one another. Enjoy each other. I believe that those are the moments that will get you through anything.
(Disclaimer: In no way am I saying that with forgiveness should always come love. It is my belief that in a marriage these two things do go together. However, there are situations, such as rape or abuse, where one can forgive but should not love.)